Literatura Brasileira
ETAs participating in an exchange about Brazilian literature with the Portuguese letras department.
Movie Club
Every other week movies, discussion and activities presented for students of the letras department. Led by Caroline and Drew.
English for International Relations Students with Professor Marja
Gave a two hour guest lecture/presentation about American history and current politics for an English for International Relations student course.
Sociolinguistics with Professor Andre
I presented in this professor's course for classes about slang and teaching it. I also helped students prepare for and give presentations that were graded.
Third Year Conversation Club
Third year conversation club is from 10am to 12pm on Friday mornings. Each week the students are asked to discuss a topic that usually also involves a game or other speaking activity. The topics are different each week and students have homework to prepare for the following classes.
Fourth Year Office Hours
Fourth Year Office Hours - This is a time for the ETAs to help groups of students with their academic writing for their TCCs. It has been a scheduling mess because of the workload of the fourth years so the days and times change each week - students then also schedule individual meetings with individual ETAs.
Third Year Office Hours
Third year office hours - time to meet with the third year students about any of their concerns that they do not need to schedule with us ahead of time. We are in the office and they come in and out with different concerns. We prepare lessons for those who have been coming in regularly related to what they are interested in focusing on.
First Year Office Hours
First year office hours - time to meet with the first year students about any of their concerns that they do not need to schedule with us ahead of time. We are in the office and they come in and out with different concerns. We prepare lessons for those who have been coming regularly related to what they are interested in focusing on.