ISF classes
Co-taught with:
Laura Pires |
Lucas Henrique Fogaca Marengo |
Caroline Dore |
Thielle Goncalves |

ISF classes

ISF classes
This bi-mester I worked with the following ISF professors
Felipe Chevarria
Antonio Vinicius
Caroline Clemente
Maria de Souza Guedes
I mainly worked on English interactions in academic contexts and English pronunciation with specific focus on the linguistic approach to learning pronunciation.

Colegio Aplicação
Social issue lecture-environment

Colegio Aplicação
Social Issue Lecture- environment

Colegio Aplicação
Social issue Lecture- environment.

Colegio Aplicação
Social Issue Lecture- environment

ETA Events
Collaborated with other ETAs to organize a guest lecture about Scottish culture and dialect.

ETA Events
Collaborated with UFRGS ETAs to present a series of four short workshops on career-related topics.

Academic Writing Workshop
Was paired with a professor of history throughout the workshop. Worked together to learn how to navigate and use online platforms to build and extract information from individualized text corpora.

ISF classes
Worked primarily with Laura Pires and Thielle Goncalves. Also worked with Carole Dore and Lucas Henrique.

ISF classes
Worked primarily with Laura Pires and Thielle Goncalves. Also worked with Carole Dore and Lucas Henrique.

ISF classes
Worked primarily with Laura Pires and Thielle Goncalves. Also worked with Carole Dore and Lucas Henrique.

Side Project
Any work that ETAs do with respect to their side project. Time, location, and content varies with ETA.

Informal ETA Events
Any informal event hosted by ETAs. The focus of the events is more conversational, cultural, and experiential. Time, location, and content will vary with the ETA(s) leading the event and the nature of the event.

Formal ETA Events
Any event hosted by the ETAs that formally cover specific topics or include some formal learning element. Time, location, and content will depend on the event and the ETA(s) leading it.

Other Instructional Work
Any classroom or instructional work which the ETAs take part in, but is not associated with ISF. This could be within the Letras department, at the High School associated with UFGRS, or elsewhere. Time, location, and content will vary upon ETA.

ISF Classes
Any time spent in ISF classes. Location, time, and topic will vary for each ETA for almost every class.

Prep Work
Any preparation that ETAs do for activities that they lead or take part in. Can include, but is not limited to, research, finding resources, preparing presentations and activities, meetings, etc.